History of SAM S.A.
The company was registered in 1998 as a special purpose entity, established by the concessionaire of the motorway - Stalexport S.A. holding 100% of the company’s share capital. The established company’s purpose was execution of the tasks (on behalf of the concessionaire) under the Concession Agreement regarding development by adjustment of the A4 motorway within the section from Katowice (Murckowska Junction) - Kraków (Balice Junction) to the requirements of the toll motorway and exploitation of the motorway within the section in question, granted to Stalexport S.A. in 1997.
In 2003, the amendments to the Act on Toll Motorways ensured the legal security to the financial institutions interested in crediting the project. It was also possible to transfer the concession to the special purpose entity and to ensure continuity of the concession in the case of the concession change. As a result, on July 28, 2004 the concession was transferred to SAM S.A., and on October 17, 2005 Annex No. 5 to the Concession Agreement was signed.
As soon as in December 2005, a credit agreement was made with the bank consortium of Westdeutsche Landesbank, DePfa Group, Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau and BPH S.A. of the amount of PLN 380 million, enabling to execute numerous tasks regarding the modernisation and construction investments imposed upon the Concession Agreement by the public party.
Pursuant to the agreement, in October 2009 SAM S.A. executed and completed the next stage of the undertaking. The concessionaire repaired thoroughly the surface of the whole Katowice-Kraków section of A4 of 61 km, modernised 31 bridge objects and developed 15 emergency passages and 10 km of noise barriers. In 2010 the company commenced a consecutive stage of investment programme which comprises among the others, modernisation of 22 bridges.
In the following years, thanks to the loan obtained, a number of further investments were financed, including repairs of the remaining 22 bridge structures, extension of Toll Plazas and replacement of toll collection devices, modernization of motorway drainage, reconstruction of motorway junctions and construction of further noise barriers.
On September 30, 2019 Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska S.A. fully repaid the loan.